Being A Cam Model And Raising Kids

Raising Kids Being A Cam Model 

Being a cam model and raising kids is a balancing act. You know there wasn't this epiphany there wasn't this great revelation it was just something that I kind of was always a part of my life. It wasn't really a big deal and didn't really even come up as an issue until like late elementary school. As you know I kind of had to be careful about who I told what my parents did for a living so it was more about the fear of the stigma around porn.

How my teachers at school might react, how my friends might react, how my friends' parents might react. That's when I kind of got the first idea that you know what they did was not conventional. It was something that you know had to be managed if that makes any sense.

Cam Model Raising Kids

PTA Meetings Interesting Working As Cam Model

I feel like those would be some really interesting PTA meetings so growing up within the industry and now being a parent yourself. How are you going to approach the topic with your children?

She's old enough to you know to ask the questions I'll tell her that I make movies for grown-ups and you know once as she gets older and you know more mature like you so I've interviewed a lot of um other like sex worker moms and talked to them about how they've either told their children or planned to tell their children I've talked to sex therapists and it's really about stages you know like you don't wait until they're old enough to actually like go online and watch porn.

Unfortunately, these days are like 10 or 11 or 12. You know you don't wait until they find out but you know you obviously don't tell them everything when they're like six. So you kind of like tell them things as they get older.

Healthy Conversations Are Needed Over Time

You may reveal more in terms of their development and their understanding. So I haven't got it out exactly. I mean she's only just turned a year old so I think I have some time. I’m honestly really not worried about it as it didn't affect me. I have two siblings and neither of them is involved in the adult industry at all.

They're both healthy and happy you know well-rounded people so I don't think that it had a negative effect on us as children. I don't see why that would be the case for my daughter either and it's important to have these healthy conversations too.

Normalize Cam Model Sex Work

I mean it really does normalize sex work because you know Asian lbfm sex cam work is work. It is a job like any other and that's really how we should be treating it. With certain respects of course but there's the strategy.

We've come so far in terms of like how we sex work you know I mean the word sex work didn't exist 10 years ago. So you know these conversations that we're having all the time these days are very new to the human discussion.

So many other people out there are normalizing the conversation so I'm hoping that by the time my daughter gets older. She will start to understand that like we as a society would have progressed even further. So fingers crossed and here's hoping.